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Monday, September 26, 2011

Good afternoon!

We started off the day today working on our spelling words and in our spelling books.  The children copied down their new weekly spelling words that they will be tested on this Friday.  After spelling, we worked on our IB unit of inquiry.  The children began creating their good copy interview booklets using the information that they collected over the weekend.  A rubric was introduced to the children during this period, that shows them the various items I will be assessing for this assignment.  I have included the rubric at the end of this posting for you to review as well to help work with your child on strategies for reaching high levels in all areas.  During math the children worked further on more and fewer (grade one) and addition sentences (grade two).  I announced today that our first math unit test is going to take place this Wednesday on the concepts we have been working on to date.  The children also went to french, drama and P.E classes.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, and practice weekly spelling words.

Important information:  The first math test of this year is going to be taking place this Wednesday.  Grade ones will be tested on tracing, counting and more and fewer, while the grade twos will be tested on counting, more and fewer and addition sentences.

Cookies are going on sale again during lunch recesses.  They are $1 each.

This Wednesday is casual day.  If your child has paid their $2 they may dress in whatever casual clothing they would like on that day.

Please make sure you are taking out the forms and assignments that I am sending home in your child's home folders.  Any quizzes, tests or assignments that I send home have already been recorded here at school. I am sending these home as your copies for your records.  Many children have forms and assignments in their home folders that are weeks old that should be taken out and left at home.

There are couple children who did not complete their interview sheet over the weekend.  These sheets MUST be completed at home tonight and brought into school with them tomorrow.  They cannot move forward on this assignment without that completed interview sheet.

I have sent home a field trip form with your child tonight.  Our class is going on a field trip to The Bradley Museum on October 5th, 2011.  This field trip is directed towards our current IB unit.  The children will have a chance to see what rules and responsibilities early Canadian children had.  Please send back the permission form and $15 by Friday, September 30th  if your child would like to attend.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Grade One            Grade Two
1.pen                      1. let                       2. his
3.get                       3. had
4.toy                       4. ask                     5. old
6.lip                        6. took
7.ham                     7. also
8.fell                       8. sat
9.had                      9. fell
10.took                 10. get

          Level:                                4                                  3                                  2                                  1
Work habits
Excellent. Worked very well with no interruptions.
Very good.  Worked well with few interruptions.
Worked with many interruptions
Was not able to work due to interruptions.
Quality of writing.
Printing showed a great deal of effort.  The answers made sense.  There were little to no errors.  Proofreading was evident.
Very good.   Printing showed effort.  The answers made sense.  There were some errors that did not distract.  Proofreading was almost always evident.
Printing showed little effort.  The answers often did not make sense.  There were errors that distracted.  Proofreading needs improvement.
Printing showed no effort.  The answers did not make sense.  There were many errors that made the booklet difficult to read.  Proofreading was not evident.
Quality of illustrations.
Illustrations were always meaningful and reflected the information presented on the page.  Title page showed great effort.
Very good.
Illustrations showed good effort and usually reflected the information on the page.  Title page showed some effort.
Illustrations were attempted and sometimes reflected the information on the page.  Title page showed a little effort.
 Little to no illustrations that did not reflect the information on the page.  Title page was not complete/ had no effort.
Quality of oral presentation.
Presentation was always clear and easy to follow.  The information always made sense.  The presentation consistently provided relevant information.
Very good.
Presentation was clear and mostly easy to follow.  The information usually made sense.  The presentation provided relevant information.
Presentation was sometimes easy to follow.  The information sometimes made sense.  The presentation provided some relevant information.
Presentation was unclear and hard to follow.  The information did not make sense.  The presentation did not provide any relevant information.

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