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Friday, April 1, 2011

Good afternoon!

We started off the day today by having our weekly spelling test and working in our spelling notebooks.  The marked spelling tests will be coming home with your child tonight.  The children then worked on abc order and creating sentences in language.  The children also wrote their math tests for the data management unit today.  We then got a chance to finish reading the final chapter of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, and the children worked on completing chapter 17 in their literature groups.  Since we finished reading the book, we watched more of the movie version of the novel today as well.  The children also went to french class.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, re-write incorrect spelling words 10 times each, Language page 119 and complete chapter 17 of the book study if necessary.

Important information:  The marked math tests will be going home with your child tonight.  Children that scored 84% or lower will have a chance to rewrite the test on Monday at lunch recess.

All children have brought home a field trip permission form, and well as a pledge envelope for the upcoming Skate-a-thon that is taking place on April 29th.  Please see the important information on the form as monies are due shortly.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Nelson

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Good afternoon!

In today's class we started off the day working on language.  The children were asked to review grammar rules, worked with root words, practiced contractions, completed sentences, and practiced their cursive.   In math the children worked on finding the differences between numbers, worked with greater than and less than, word problems and counted money.  We read another chapter of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and the children worked on chapter 16 in their literature groups.  They also went to music, french and P.E classes.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, practice spelling words for tomorrow's test, math page 162 - 163, Language page 117 - 118 and complete book study chapter 16 if necessary.

Important information: Tomorrow is Movie Madness Day for this week's Spirit Week.  Children are encouraged to come dressed as their favourite movie character with a donation to Haiti.  This is not a casual day.  Children may only come out of uniform if they are dressed up for the spirit day.

Tomorrow is our math test for the data management unit.  All children have their Math Makes Sense books at home with them to study for the test.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Good afternoon!

We started off the day today working on language.  The children worked on suffixes, prefixes, grammar rules, abc order and special sounds.  During math we had a chapter review period where we went through the entire data management unit and discussed the main points that we learned (topics that will be tested on during Friday's test).  They also worked on place value, adding and subtracting, word problems and fractions.  In social studies the children created Venn diagrams comparing and contrasting Canada and Poland.  They used their previous knowledge of Canada and compared it to the information we heard yesterday from Mrs. Deras.  The children also went to french and drama classes.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, practice weekly spelling words, Language page 115 - 116, math page 160 - 161 and complete Venn diagram if necessary.

Important information:  Please see Mrs. Deras' blog for important information for the drama play and auditions that are taking place shortly.  Mrs. Deras has also requested that all children and families be reminded to make certain that the play script that all children were given is brought to school every Wednesaday to be used during drama to avoid time delays.

All children have brought home their Math Makes Sense books with them tonight to be used as a study tool for Friday's test.  The children do not need to bring these books back with them until Friday.  This will give two full nights home with the book to reveiw for the test.

Tomorrow is Mis-match Clothing day in this week's spirit week.  Children do not have to come in their uniforms and instead can come in clothing that is mis-matched with a donation for Haiti.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Good afternoon!

We started off the day today by working on language.  The children practiced working with compound words, suffixes, special sounds, finished sentences and worked on blue versus blew.  During math the children reviewed temperature, time, place value, and working on adding double and triple digit numbers.  In social students we were treated with an informative and enjoyable discussion from Mrs. Deras' about Poland.  The children got to listen to music, ate treats, read books, and saw and felt various articles of clothing.  It was a great way for the children to experience another culture first hand!  Our class read a book together today called The Three Questions which is based on a story by Leo Tolstoy. In this story a boy learned that in life it is important to live with the intent of being good to people around you, and to always appreciate the important people in your life.  This is something we are trying to promote in our class via the 'good deed contest' that your child can tell you about.  They also went to music, french and P.E classes.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, practice weekly spelling words, math page 159 and Letters and Sounds page 96.

Important information:  Tomorrow is casual day at St. Jude's.  It is also Wacky Hat Day for spirit week.  Children may come to school dressed in their casual clothing and wearing a wacky hat.

Our next math unit test is happening this Friday.  I am going to be sending the children home with their math books tomorrow to review the chapter before the test.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Monday, March 28, 2011

Good afternoon!

In today's class the students started off the day by copying down their new weekly spelling words and working in their spelling books.  They also worked on their cursive, suffixes, root words, special sounds and opposites.  During math we had a chapter review period to help the students get ready for their math unit test on Friday.  The children went through their math books and reviewed what they have learned about surveys and graphing throughout this unit and recorded the 6 main facts they have learned.  We read another chapter of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and the children worked on chapter 15 in their literature groups.  They also went to french and art classes.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in your reading chart, practice weekly spelling words, cursive page 93 - 94, math page 132 and finish book study chapter 15 if necessary.

Important information:  Tomorrow is Pajama Day.  Children may come to school in their pajamas if they wish.  Mr. Sawatsky's class will be collecting donations for the Haiti relief fund from those who are willing to participate.

Please see Mrs. Deras' blog for important information about the upcoming play our class is involved with.  Scripts went home with your child last Wednesday and should have been read over.

Our next math unit test is taking place this Friday.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Grade One                Grade Two

1. they                      1. you'll
2. slide                      2. floor
3. slow                      3. colour
4. clock                     4. where
5. black                     5. think
6. from                      6. aren't
7. drink                     7. more
8. eat                         8. became
9. game                     9. when
10. tree                     10. together