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Friday, September 13, 2013

Good afternoon!

We started off the day today with a whole-school house game in recognition of Spirit Day!  It was a great deal of fun and all the students had a wonderful time participating!

Unit of Inquiry: In today's class the grade 3s came together with Mrs. Haag's grade 4 class to watch documentaries on urban, suburban and rural communities.  The students were able to see examples of all three types of communities, watch interviews from members of the different communities and hear the positives and draw-backs of each type of community.  When we returned to class the students were asked to complete a reflection in their journals to summarize the main points they learned from watching the documentaries. Ask your child tonight to share with you what they have learned!

Language: During language today the students worked on exploring types of sentences.  Students were asked to decipher between exclamatory, declarative and interrogative sentences and then write version of each type of sentence on their own.  The students also had their weekly spelling test.  Marked spelling tests will be going home with every student tonight.  I kindly ask that any incorrect spelling word be re-written in their Spelling Book ten times each.  We also read chapters 3 and 4 of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory today.  Once we finished reading as a class the students got into their literature study groups and completed their book review for today.

Math: During math today the children worked on examining place value, working with time, and working on addition in the Abeka math books. 

The students also went to PE and French classes today.

Homework: Read for 2o minutes and record in the reading log, re-write incorrect spelling words ten times each,  Abeka math pages 2 -3, Language page 10 - 11 and Ontario Writing page 74.

Important information: A trip permission form went home with all children last night.  The grade 3 and 4 classes at SJA are taking a trip to the city of Toronto! This trip is a part of our IB Unit of Inquiry that is inquiring into urban and rural communities. On this trip we will be looking at the different elements of the great urban city of Toronto, taking various types of transportation offered throughout the city, and visiting the Cadbury Chocolate Factory. Trip forms are due back with the $14 fee by September 18th. We are looking for 10 volunteers between both classes for this trip who will be confirmed on a first come, first serve basis.  Please make note of the allergy form that is attached to the permission form.  This allergy release form must be signed and returned back to the school in order for your child to be admitted into the factory.

We are looking to have small boxes collected for an upcoming project in our Unit of Inquiry. The students are going to be asked to build small scale rural and urban communities. Please help us with this project by collecting and sending in small boxes that we can use. Please see the form sent home yesterday for more information.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Nelson

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Good afternoon!

Unit of Inquiry: We started off the day today with a field trip!  The students had a great deal of fun sourcing out local and imported foods at No Frills today as part of our Unit of Inquiry.  The students were asked to explore through the fruits, vegetables, meats and seafood sections of the store to inquire into how our local community meets the needs of its citizens.  When we returned to class the students were asked to reflect on the main ideas they learned from their trip and their favourite part of the excursion.  Please see pictures of the trip at the bottom of this posting!
Language: We then moved on to language where the students were asked to write a fictional story on the topic of their choice that included at least 4 of their weekly spelling words.  The students had a great time with this creative activity!  The students then moved on to examining different types of sentences.  The reviewed what constitutes as a declarative and interrogative sentence, and then moved on to exclamatory sentences.  They finished up their language period with cursive writing.

Math:  During math today the children worked on examining place value and estimation.  As a class we discussed how and why we would use estimating, and how grouping numbers into sets of 10 tens and counting the tens and one makes estimating a much easier task.  The students practiced estimating as a group, and then worked on their reinforcement in their Homework and Practice book.  Early finishers were asked to begin completing tonight's math homework.

The students also went to PE, Art and French classes today.

Homework: Read for 2o minutes and record in the reading log, practice weekly spelling words, Math Makes Sense Homework book pages 10 -11, Language page 8 - 9 and Cursive page 16 - 17.

Important information:  A trip permission form has come home with all children tonight.  The grade 3 and 4 classes at SJA are taking a trip to the city of Toronto!  This trip is a part of our IB Unit of Inquiry that is inquiring into urban and rural communities.  On this trip we will be looking at the different elements of the great urban city of Toronto, taking various types of transportation offered throughout the city, and visiting the Cadbury Chocolate Factory.  Trip forms are due back with the $14 fee by September 18th.  We are looking for 10 volunteers between both classes for this trip who will be confirmed on a first come, first serve basis.

We are looking to have small boxes collected for an upcoming project in our Unit of Inquiry. The students are going to be asked to build small scale rural and urban communities. Please help us with this project by collecting and sending in small boxes that we can use. Please see the form sent home yesterday for more information.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Good afternoon!

Today was a great deal of fun in the grade 3 classroom!  The students started off the day today working on their proofreading skills.  They had to read a paragraph about rural communities and find all the mistakes and correct them.  The students had a great deal of fun as they raced to see who could find all the mistakes first!  We moved on to language where the students were introduced to our first novel study of the year- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  Throughout this novel study we will read the chapters together as a class, and afterwards the students will meet in their novel study groups where they will discuss and record important elements of the chapter such as the plot, the setting, the connections to real life, and predictions for future chapters.  Each child will produce their own novel study which they will be assessed on individually, though they have their group of students to work with, to bounce ideas off and to reflect on the chapter with.  In today's session we read the first two chapters of the novel which were a lot of fun! In today's Unit of Inquiry period, the students continued exploring rural and urban communities.  In today's class we focused on the differences between 'goods' and 'services'.  Students were asked to work on a comprehension activity on these two concepts after we had a group discussion and class brainstorm to inquire into these topics. Ask your child tonight to tell you what they know about the differences between goods and services! During math today the children continued with working with number lines. In today's class we focused on how number lines can be used to help with estimating.  Their math Homework and Practice book will be brought home with them every night to reinforce concepts learned in class.  They also went to PE and french class today.

Homework: Read for 2o minutes and record in the reading log, practice weekly spelling words,  Math Makes Sense Homework book pages 8 -9, complete Goods and Services chart if necessary and Cursive page 14 - 15..

Important information:  Tomorrow is our class trip to No Frills on the SJA bus to help explore the needs and wants of our community.  The trip will begin at 9am and we will return to the school by approximately 10am.  Please make sure to help your child to arrive at school on time so that they don't miss the bus.

We are looking to have small boxes collected for an upcoming project in our Unit of Inquiry. The students are going to be asked to build small scale rural and urban communities. Please help us with this project by collecting and sending in small boxes that we can use. Please see the form sent home yesterday for more information.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Good afternoon!

We had a wonderful day today in our grade three classroom!  The students started off the day by working on creative writing.  Today's topic was writing a story about a time they went to the jungle.  There were some very creative stories that were developed and I had a great time seeing them!  Ask your child tonight to tell you about their story.  We moved on to language where the students worked on writing proper sentences.  Students were asked to proofread incorrect sentences and re-write them correctly.  In today's Unit of Inquiry period, the students continued exploring rural and urban communities.  In today's class we focused on the needs and wants of a community.  The students were asked to work in groups to complete a chart where the had to sort through needs versus wants, and also identify wants and needs of a community of their own.  This activity was a lot of fun!  During math today the children continued with their unit on patterning and place value. In today's class we switched gears from hundreds charts and began looking at number lines and how we can use them to help find patterns when counting numbers. Their math Homework and Practice book will be brought home with them every night to reinforce concepts learned in class.  They also went to PE and art class today.

Homework: Read for 2o minutes and record in the reading log, practice weekly spelling words,  Math Makes Sense Homework book pages 6 -7, complete needs and wants chart if necessary.

Important information: The grade 3 Math Makes Sense program consists of two parts, the in-class textbook/student workbook and the Homework and Practice book.  Everyday the student Homework and Practice book will come home with each student to allow them to practice the concepts we have learned in class.  Please help your child to make sure that this homework book comes back to school everyday.

This Thursday we are taking our class trip to No Frills on the SJA bus to help explore the needs and wants of our community.  The trip will begin at 9am and we will return to the school by approximately 10am.

We are looking to have small boxes collected for an upcoming project in our Unit of Inquiry. The students are going to be asked to build small scale rural and urban communities. Please help us with this project by collecting and sending in small boxes that we can use. Please see the form sent home yesterday for more information.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Monday, September 9, 2013

Happy Monday!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful weekend!   The grade 3 students started off the day by copying down their weekly spelling words and working in their spelling books.  Each student is going to bring their spelling books home with them every night to be used as a resource to help them study for the spelling test that takes place every Friday.  We moved on to Language where the students worked on identifying interrogative and declarative sentences.  They were asked to write versions of their own types of both sentences as well for practice with proper punctuation.  In today's Unit of Inquiry period, the students explored the differences between rural and urban communities.  We had a whole class discussion with definitions and examples, a comprehension worksheet, and then the students were asked to sort the attributes of both communities into a Venn Diagram.  Ask your child today what they learned! During math today the children continued with their unit on patterning and place value.   As a class we analyzed hundreds charts and explored how we can use them to help with counting. The students worked on questions in their math notebooks in class.  Their math homework and practice book will be brought home with them every night to reinforce concepts learned in class.  They also went to PE and french class today.

Homework: Read for 2o minutes and record in the reading log, practice weekly spelling words, Spelling Workbook pages 9 - 12, Math Makes Sense Homework book pages 4 -5, complete math workbook if necessary.

Important information: The grade 3 Math Makes Sense program consists of two parts, the in-class textbook/student workbook and the Homework and Practice book.  Everyday the student Homework and Practice book will come home with each student to allow them to practice the concepts we have learned in class.  Please help your child to make sure that this homework book comes back to school everyday.

This Thursday we are taking our class trip to No Frills on the SJA bus.  I am very excited to see what the students discover about our community on this venture!

We are looking to have small boxes collected for an upcoming project in our Unit of Inquiry. The students are going to be asked to build small scale rural and urban communities. Please help us with this project by collecting and sending in small boxes that we can use. Please see the form sent home yesterday for more information.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson