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Friday, April 15, 2011

Good afternoon! 

We had a really nice Friday today!  We started off the day today by having our weekly spelling test and working in our spelling books.  Marked spelling tests will be going home with your child tonight.  In language the children worked on alphabetical order, and sentence writing.  During math the children worked on creating 3D shapes and skeletons out of play dough and straws in their math groups.  That was a really fun way for them to continue learning their 3D shapes!  We had history today and the children read about ancient India, and heard The Jataka Tale.  This story tied in very nicely with the new IB curriculum that we are going to be implementing at SJA.  One of the areas that IB stresses is for children to learn and grow as caring and thinking people.  The story that we read helped the students to see why these characteristics are important in a person.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, re-write incorrect spelling words and Language pages 131 - 132.

Important information:  I hope that this weekend many students will go and collect fundraising money.  A fundraiser form is going home with your child tonight to explain more about why we are fundraising and the prizes your children can win.  SJA hopes to raise $7000 to go towards the IB program that is coming to our school!

Science Fair is taking place next Wednesday at 1pm and runs until 3:25pm.

Next week is a short week as Friday is Good Friday and we will not be coming to school.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Nelson

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Good afternoon!

We had a busy day today!  The children started off the day by working on language.  They practiced a comprehension activity, worked on special sounds, and added suffixes onto root words.  During math the children had a review of adding and subtracting while borrowing and place value.  We had a guest speaker come in to speak to the class about healthy eating.  Mrs. DeVroom is a registered nutritionist and she came and spoke to the children about how to read labels and what types of things to look for when reading labels.  Ask your child tonight to tell you what they learned!  During science we continued preparing for next week's science fair.  The students also went to music, and french classes.

Homework: Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, practice spelling words for tomorrow's spelling test, Letters and Sounds page 115 - 116 and math page 174.

Important information:  Please see Tuesday and Wednesday nights' posting regarding the science fair.  We are hoping that parents, friends and family will attend to see what has been going on in science at SJA!

Tomorrow is the last day of the bake sale.  Rice Krispy squares will be available to buy at lunch recess for $1.50.  All proceeds will be going towards the Haiti earthquake relief fund.

I have asked the students to go through the magazines they have at home to find pictures of flowers.  If they find some, please help them tear out the page and bring into class to be used for our science fair.

I hope the skate-a-thon fundraiser has been going well for people!  Students are beginning to get excited here as they start to see the pledge thermometer raise with each pledge that is turned in to Mrs. Brasil!

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Good afternoon!

We had a great day in our classroom!  We started off the day by working on language.  The children practiced their story writing skills, sentence construction, special sounds, and worked with riddles.  During math time the children reviewed borrowing while subtracting using three digit numbers.  This was a skill I am glad we re-visited because it seems many children needed the refreshment!  During science we began our new science experiment.  We are making observations of a plant life cycle by planting our own flowers in tin cans, and watching them grow!  Today we decorated our cans, planted our seeds and began day one of our observation sheet.  The children also went to french and drama classes.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, practice weekly spelling words, Language page 129 - 130, Letters and Sounds page 113 - 114, and Arithmetic page 172 - 173.

Important information:  The bake sale continues tomorrow!  Mr. Sawatsky's class will be selling brownies for $1.50.  All proceeds go towards the Haiti Relief Fund.

Please make sure your children are bringing in their pledge money everyday.  Children who bring it in get placed into our classroom draw and are given house points!  And there are amazing prizes awarded to children in the school-wide contest as well!

April 20th is the SJA Science Fair.  It runs in the afternoon until 3:25pm.  All families and friends are welcome to attend to come and see what the students have been doing in science.  Our class is participating and we are all very excited for the day!

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Good afternoon! 

We started off the day today by continuing on with our new life cycles unit in science.  The children focused on the five stages of a flower's life cycle.  They identified what happens in each stage, and how long each stage takes.  The students wrote a fictional story about the life of a flower as well.  Some students wrote their story from the perspective of the flower, some wrote their story from the perspective of a human, and some wrote their story from the perspective of an insect.  In math the children worked on the skeletons of 3D shapes, and found 3D shapes in everyday items.  We had a health period again today, where we continued talking about healthy eating choices.  We talked a lot about fruits and vegetables- why we need them, what parts of them are healthy and how we should keep them fresh.  During language the children worked on special sounds, solved riddles, worked with compound words, and practiced their cursive.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, practice weekly spelling words, finish writing the flower story, and complete cursive pages 98 - 99.

Important information:  I am still asking that all students bring in a tin can with them for use tomorrow for a science activity.  I only had one or two brought in today.  I would love it if all children were able to particpate in the activity tomorrow!

Skate-a-thon fundraising is still going on strong!! Please make sure your children bring in the funds they have collected everyday.  Their envelope should be going back and forth with them every time they collect a pledge.  Everytime they do, they get house points given to them, and they are put into our classroom draw for a prize!  Don't forget that the student who raises the most for the entire school wins an Ipad!

Today's bake sale item unfortunately was not available.  But tomorrow the bake sale will be back on selling muffins as the item of the week.  All proceeds go towards the Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund.

If you have not yet brought in the information form for your child's grandparents, please do soon as soon as possible.  Invitiations for the upcoming concert are going to be sent out very soon and we wouldn't want to miss anyone!

Next Wednesday, April 20th we are having our annual SJA Science Fair.  The science fair begins at 1pm and runs until 3:25.  Our class is participating and will have a booth set up.  Parents, family and friends are encouraged to attend!

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Monday, April 11, 2011

Good afternoon!

We had a nice day back to school today.  We started off the day by copying down the new weekly spelling words and working in spelling books.  The children worked on comprehension, suffixes, special sounds and hard and soft sounds in language.  During math the children had a review of multi-digit adding and subtracting, as well as graphing.  We started a new unit today in science called Life Cycles.  Today we discussed what a life cycle is, who/what has a life cycle, and the specific stages of the life cycle of a flower.  Ask you child tonight to tell you what they know about how a flower grows!  They also went to french and art classes.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, practice weekly spelling words, and Letters and Sounds page 109 - 110.

Important information:  Tomorrow the bake sale item is going to be fudge!  If you would like your child to purchase fudge at lunch recess please send them to school with $1.50.  The funds go towards the Haiti Relief fund.

Please send in any tin cans you might have at home.  I am collecting empty tin cans for an upcoming science project.  Ideally, they will be the larger size (think Campbell's Chunky Soup cans) but any can will do.  If you have multiple cans, please send them in case a child does not have one.  I would like them for use on Wednesday.

Keep your children's pledges coming in!  Children are being entered into a school draw, a classroom draw, and given house points anytime they bring in any money for the skate-a-thon!

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson