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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

In today's class we started off the day working in the computer lab. The children had a great time working on computer tasks to become more comfortable with computers.  Already I have seen skills develop!  During language today the children worked on special sounds, identifying vowel sounds, and picture words.  In our IB unit of inquiry we continued learning about seasons and the climate patterns that follow the seasons.  The children learned the definition of a new word- 'cycle'.  Ask your children tonight to explain to you how seasons are a cycle.  We also worked with a globe to see how the earth rotates around the sun, and how this causes seasons.  In math the children worked on number order, and tens and ones blocks.  They also went to drama, P.E and french classes.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, and practice weekly spelling words.

Important information:  We are having a pumpkin decorating contest at SJA tomorrow.  Pumpkins have been donated from a local company and every class is going to have three pumpkins to decorate for the contest. If you have any supplies that might be useful to help decorate a pumpkin (socks, hats, sunglasses, cotton balls, pipe cleaners, sparkles, etc. etc.), please send them in with your child tomorrow to help our class with the contest!  Winners will be chosen on Friday.

I am away tomorrow and Friday doing work with IB.  Tomorrow I am touring a IB school, and Friday I am away at an IB workshop.  I will not be available by email or by my blog on these two days.  I will be back with a great deal of IB knowledge on Monday morning!

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

We had a great day today!  We started off the day working on proofreading.  The children practiced their capital letters in a fun way.  I have been emphasizing how important it is to use capitals letters and periods for any type of writing no matter the circumstance.  Please help me by putting this into action for any writing that is done at home as well.  During our IB unit of inquiry, the children did a review of their senses by reflecting on the things they see, hear, smell and feel during the fall season.  As a class we discussed how these elements will shift for each season due to the climate of each season.  Ask your child tonight to explain the difference between climate and weather.  During math the children worked on ones and tens using manipulatives.  This is a fun way for them to become experts with this concept.  They also went to music and french class.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, practice weekly spelling words, and cursive pages 18 - 19.

Important information:  Next week we are having some important events.  October 26th is picture day and October 27th is casual day.  Please note that these are the new dates and that they have been changed from the original school calendar.

Monday, October 31st is Halloween dress-up day.  Children may come to school wearing their Halloween costumes.  We will also be having a Halloween party in class that day.  Students are welcome to bring in any nut-free snacks they would like to share with the class!

Cookies are for sale during last recess for $1.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Monday, October 17, 2011

Good afternoon!

We had a great day back to school today.  The children began the day copying down their new weekly spelling words and working in their spelling books.  During language they worked on special sounds, vowel sounds and rhyming words.  The students also practiced their cursive.  During math today we worked on tens and ones using block manipulatives.  In our IB unit of inquiry we started our new unit.  The central idea for this unit is 'Living things are affected by climate and weather'.  Today we brainstormed as a class what we already knew about climate and weather and listed some things we hope to learn about climate and weather.  The students also matched pictures to the season they belong to.  This was a fun way to get started in this exciting unit.  They also went to drama, and P.E today.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, practice weekly spelling words, and Letters and Sounds pages 20 - 21.

Important information:  Please help your children to remember to bring their agendas, home folders and spelling books back and forth with them everyday.  These are important items that we need both at home and at school.

Cookies are for sale during last recces for $1.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Grade One                        Grade Two
1. tub                                 1. set
2. bus                                 2. head
3. bat                                 3. help
4.see                                 4. yet
5. sit                                  5. bread
6. us                                  6. belt
7. play                               7. tent
8. ball                                8. said
9. can                                9. bed
10. list                              10. sell