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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Good Morning!

I hope that everyone has had a wonderful time in all the snow we have been having in the last few days!
I am very happy to say that action has become a very popular topic at St. Jude's Academy in the last few months.  I have been receiving many emails from parents with stories of their children showing action at home which has been great to hear!  Teachers are always on the look out for their students showing action in the classroom and around the school.  And every month we all get together to nominate a student to win the Action Star of the Month Award for having shown their peers, teachers and parents that they can put their learning into action.
Please keep an eye out for your child's example of action at home.  Remember, your children will do things to show that the learning they have done in the classroom is real to them.  We want to know that the steps they are taking at school are meaningful, which I am sure you do too!
Ask your child questions such as 'how do you feel about that topic?'  Or 'how does that topic make you think differently?'  Or 'how does that topic make you change your behaviour?'  These questions are sure to get action and reflection going in your household!

Have a great week,

Mrs. Nelson