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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Good afternoon!

In today's class we started off the day by working on language.  The children worked on story writing, special sounds and suffixes.  During math we had a review of adding and subtracting and place value.  We had another drama practice period today where the entire school came together to practice for the Grandparents' Day concert.  The concert is definitely improving, but our class could use some more practice to know what they are doing and when they are doing it.  The children also went to music and P.E classes.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, practice weekly spelling words for tomorrow's spelling test, Language page 156 - 157, Letters and Sounds page 142 - 143 and math page 186 - 187.

Important information:  Please see my blog from earlier this week in regards to the Grandparents' Day concert.  I want to make sure that everyone is up-to-date and included in what is going on with the concert.

Wednesday, May 18th we are having our next history test.  This will be a comprehension test to see how well children can recall an oral lesson.  You can practice with your children nightly by asking them questions about the books they are reading at home.  Please see my blog posting from yesterday for further information.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Good afternoon!

We had a nice day today.  We started off the day today by working on language.  The children worked on contractions, opposites, and writing sentences.  During math today we continued on with grouping the tens and ones columns.  The children practiced 'trading' groups of ones into tens when necessary, then they compared the two types of adding- place value mats and traditional adding.  They also had a review of adding and subtracting and patterning.  In history today we read about Julius Caesar and Confucius and what they did in their respective times and places.  As a class we read about some of the important messages that Confucius delivered, such as "Do not do onto others what you would not want others to do to you" and "If you make a mistake and don't fix it, this is called a mistake".  These are good lessons that our children become more Principled people- which is an important element of the IB Learner Profile!  The children also played a board game that focused on finding Julius Caesar that they are bringing home with them tonight.  The children also went to french and drama classes.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, practice weekly spelling words, math page 184 - 185, Language page 154 - 155 and practice for history test next week.

Important information:  The children will be having a history test next Wednesday, May 18th, 2011.  This test will be to test their oral comprehension of the history chapter we read together as a class.  A good method for helping your child prepare and study for this test would be to ask them questions about the stories you are reading together over the next week.  Ask them to tell you what the beginning, middle and end of the story was, the main character's names, the places that were mentioned, etc.  This is an important skill that I believe we have been developing as a class over the school year so far. 

Please see my posting from yesterday about the upcoming concert.  I included some important information from Mrs. Deras about the role our class is going to have in play.  Our class is responsible for all the actions in the play.  The next whole-school practice period is tomorrow. 

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Good afternoon!

We started off the day today working on language.  The children worked on special sounds, opposites, writing sentences, and ABC order.  During math today the children worked on a review of adding and subtracting.  We had a drama practice period today where the whole school came together to rehearse for the Grandparents' Day concert.  It went really well, but there is definitely still practicing that needs to be done!  The children also went to music, french and P.E classes.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, practice weekly spelling words, Letters and Sounds page 138 - 139, and math page 182 - 183.

Important information:  Please see Mrs. Deras' blog for important information about the upcoming concert.  Our class does not have any speaking roles, but we are responsible for the actions that will take place throughout the play.  Here are some examples of actions that our class needs to have ready for the play.  These actions go in order of the play and can be inputted into the script your child already has at home.  Please make sure they are practicing at home so they know when/how to do their actions.

They are to be SCARED, and HUDDLING their children when the rats attack.
They are to be IRATE AND FIST SHAKING/FINGER POINTING at the Mayor and Council.
They are to act SURPRISED when the Piper shows up.
They are to be SHOCKED  when the rats follow him into the river.
They  are to be HAPPY, REJOICING with their children when the rats leave
They are to MOCK the Piper.
Afterwards they are to be HORRIFIED at the children who are to follow him.
And finally they are to be EXTREMELY SADDENED at the fact that all the children have left Hamelin.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Monday, May 9, 2011

Good afternoon!

We had a nice day today getting back to school after a weekend away!  To start the day today the children copied down the new weekly spelling words and worked in their spelling books.  In language today we worked on special sounds, opposites, vowel sounds and story writing.  During math we worked on adding and subtracting.  The children practiced making groups and shifting the ones into tens, as groups of ten ones were made.  We used snap cubes to help practice, which was a fun way of seeing the columns 'move' in real life.  They also wrote word problems for their friends to solve.  Tonight for homework I have asked each of them to write a word problem for their mom or dad to solve for extra practice!  We read another chapter of Pipi Longstocking today and the students wrote a response in their language books.  We also read a book called The Lemonade Club about a child who's friend develops and beats cancer.  I thought this was a great way for the children to develop their Caring side- which is an important element of the IB Learner Profile!  They children also went to french class.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, practice weekly spelling words, Language page 150 - 151, and write a word problem for your mom or dad to complete (grade twos).

Important information:  Progress reports went home on Friday.  If you didn't see them over the weekend, please make sure you keep an eye out for them in their backpacks tonight.

The Grandparents' Day concert is quickly approaching and this week we are having extra drama practice periods for the children to perfect their roles in The Pied Piper.  Our class is performing the pantomime for the play, and will be responsible for various actions throughout the play.  No one in our class has a speaking role.  Your child should be reading over the script nightly to ensure that they have an overall understanding of the play, so they will have an easier time filling in their actions in the required spots.  Please see Mrs. Deras' blog for more information.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Grade One                     Grade Two

1. doing                       1. first
2. singing                     2. turn
3. being                       3. her
4. blowing                   4. world
5. rowing                     5. opening
6. having                     6. wants
7. going                       7. main
8. sleeping                   8. trades
9. wanting                   9. sadder
10. coming                 10. wishes