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Friday, February 24, 2012

Good afternoon!

I hope everyone did well out on this gloomy day today!  We had our award ceremony this morning and all the participants from yesterday's oral competition were recognized with either a medal or a ribbon for their hard work.  Congratulations again to all of the winners!!  We started off today with our weekly spelling test.  The children are bringing home their marked spelling tests with them tonight.  I am asking that all incorrectly spelled words (including the bonus word) get re-written ten times each in their spelling books. After spelling the children worked on language where they practiced their cursive, and worked on roots and suffixes.  In our IB unit of Inquiry today the children completed their ROM reflection sheet from earlier this week.  The marked worksheet will be coming home with each child tonight.  We also spent some time reading famous children's tales such as Sleeping Beauty, Robin Hood and Peter Pan.  As a class we had a discussion of how art is used to accompany these stories and to add to our understanding of the plot and characters.  The children were then broken into groups and asked to design their own cover pages for the stories they had just heard.  The children had a lot of fun with this activity. Ask your child tonight to share with you what story they illustrated.  In math today the children worked on exploring shapes (grade one) and measuring the length of sides (grade two).  We also read another chapter of The Tale of Despereaux today as a class.  At the end of the day the students went to french class.

Homework: Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, re-write incorrect spelling words ten times each, Letters and Sounds page 130 - 131, Math page 152 - 153 and cursive pages 136 - 137.

Important information:   All children are brought home a permission form with them yesterday regarding an upcoming reptile show that is happening at SJA on March 8th.  The children have a chance to learn about, view and maybe even hold a range of real life reptiles!  This activity will correlate with an upcoming unit we have about life cycles of living things.  Please send in the $5 with the permission form by March 1st.

The next casual day is taking place on March 1st. There will be two casual days for the month of March this year.

An information sheet has gone home with all students about the SJA Book Drive that is happening right now. We are hoping to have a successful book drive to help add to the SJA school library.  Any used books or magazines that are no longer used by your familiy are appreciated. Thank you very much to the children who have already begun bringing in their used books.

Have a great weekend,

Mrs. Nelson

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Today was the day of the big oral presentation!  All the classes at SJA spent the morning in the auditorium listening to the poetry recitations of the SKs- grade 3, and the speeches of the grade 4s- 7s.  It was a great morning and I was very proud of all of our class presenters.  The results of the oral competition will be announced tomorrow morning at convocation.  When we got back to class we began working on a writing exercise where the children were asked to create a list of things they bring on a a sleepover, items they need for their birthday party, or ways they can help their family.  This is an important type of writing which requires skill and technique.  The children had a lot of fun with this activity. We also read another chapter of The Tale of Despereaux today as a class.  The students went to music and french classes today.

Homework: Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, and cursive pages 134 - 135.

Important information:  If any parents, friends, or families would like to attend tomorrow's convocation ceremony to watch the awards being handed out for the oral presentations please feel free.  Convocation begins at 8:45am.

A big storm is expected for tomorrow morning/late tonight.  Please check the school website for school closure information.  It will be posted by 7am.

All children are bringing home a permission form with them tonight for an upcoming reptile show that is happening at SJA on March 8th.  The children have a chance to learn about, view and maybe even hold a range of real life reptiles!  This activity will correlate with an upcoming unit we have about life cycles of living things.  Please send in the $5 with the permission form by March 1st.

The next casual day is taking place on March 1st. There will be two casual days for the month of March this year.

Please keep your eye out for the SJA Book Drive information sheet that came home with each student on Thursday afternoon. We are hoping to have a successful book drive to help add to the SJA school library.  Thank you very much to the children who have already begun bringing in their used books.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Good afternoon!

I was away for parts of the day today for IB related meetings, but I was able to stop in to chat and work with the children in between.  They started off their day today working on sentence writing.  The children were asked to turn 5 of their weekly spelling words into sentences in their Bell Work books.  During language they also worked on root words, suffixes, prefixes and cursive.   We also read another chapter of The Tale of Despereaux where some exciting events have taken place!  In our IB unit of inquiry, the children worked on a reflection of their trip to The ROM.  They were asked to reflect on their favourite parts, exhibits they would recommend to a friend, and learner profile attributes they showed while there.  During math today the children worked on understanding units of measurement (grade one) and sides and corners (grade two) or various objects. They also went to P.E and french classes today.

Homework: Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, Letters and Sounds pages 128 - 129,  Math pages 150 - 151 and cursive pages 132 - 133.

Important information:  Tomorrow is our whole school oral competition!  The children that have been selected from each class are going to compete to win gold, silver and bronze metals from our panel of judges. The competition begins at 9am, and friends and families are welcome to attend to watch the show! If your child is competing, please keep reminding them to practice, practice, practice!

The next casual day is taking place on March 1st. There will be two casual days for the month of March this year.

Please keep your eye out for the SJA Book Drive information sheet that came home with each student on Thursday afternoon. We are hoping to have a successful book drive to help add to the SJA school library.  Thank you very much to the children who have already begun bringing in their used books.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy Monday!

If anyone came to school without breakfast this morning, that problem was quickly solved with the pancake eating contest we had!  It was a fun filled morning with house games, pancakes and house points being awarded to houses for a variety of things!  A great way to start the school week!
Once we returned to class, we began working on spelling.  The children copied down the new weekly spelling words and worked in their spelling workbooks on short 'o' words (grade one) and c/ck words (grade two).  The children also heard another chapter of The Tale of Despereaux and worked on their cursive writing.  During math today the children worked on estimating mass (grade one) and estimating length (grade two) or various objects.  They also went to music, P.E and french classes today.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, practice weekly spelling words, Spelling workbooks pages 89 - 92 (grade one) 85 - 88 (grade two), and cursive pages 130 - 131.

Important information:  This Thursday we are having our whole school oral competition.  The children that have been selected from each class are going to compete to win gold, silver and bronze metals from our panel of judges.  The competition begins at 9am, and friends and families are welcome to attend to watch the show!  If your child is competing, please keep reminding them to practice, practice, practice!

Tomorrow is going to be a gym day again. Gym days are going to be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for the month of February.

The next casual day is taking place on March 1st.  There will be two casual days for the month of March this year.

Please keep your eye out for the SJA Book Drive information sheet that came home with each student on Thursday afternoon.  We are hoping to have a successful book drive to help add to the SJA school library.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Grade One                 Grade Two

1. home                        1. race
2. road                          2. stick
3. soap                          3. colour
4. toad                          4. kick
5. both                          5. quick
6. toe                            6. back
7. fold                          7. became
8. rope                          8. neck
9. told                           9. cent
10. soak                        10. city