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Friday, March 4, 2011

Good afternoon!

We started off the day today by having a St. Patrick's Day celebration in the auditorium.  The children seemed to have a lot of fun together!  We also had the awards celebration this morning, where the children who won the oral presentations received their metals. When we got back to class the children did their spelling test.  Marked spelling tests will be going home with them tonight.  The students also worked in their spelling books, and their language books.  They practiced proofreading, and creating sentences.  In the afternoon we began watching the movie version of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. We will complete the movie when we return after March break, once we have a chance to read the last few chapters of the novel. The children also went to french class.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart every night, and re-write any incorrect spelling words ten times each.

Have a great march break and I will see you all again on the 21st!

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Good afternoon!

In today's class we started off the day by working on language.  The children worked on identifying special sounds, long and short vowels and created sentences.  In math we continued on with our data management unit.  The children created and conducted their own surveys of their classmates based on various topics.  We also read another chapter of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and the students discussed and worked on that chapter with their literature groups.  The students went to music, french and P.E classes as well today.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, practice weekly spelling words for tomorrow's spelling test, Language page 106, and book study chapter 10 if necessary.

Important information:  Tomorrow is the St. Patrick's Day spirit day at St. Jude's Academy.  All children are asked to come to school wearing green to earn points for their house!

Tomorrow is the last day of school before March break.  After tomorrow, we will not return to school until March 21st.

The students are going to be completing a craft in their literature groups once we finish reading The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.  If you could please send in some household items to be used for the craft, it would be greatly appreciated.  We require the following items:
  • empty toilet paper rolls
  • empty paper towel rolls
  • empty medium sized cardboad boxes (preferably square in shape)
  • cardboard that can be used to cut out shapes
  • lots of newspaper!

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Good afternoon!

We started off the day today by working in our language books.  The children worked on root words, suffixes, created sentences, short and long vowels and proofreading.  During math we continued working on our new unit- data management.  The children worked on surveys, tallying, and using their collected information to make graphs.  We also read another chapter of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe today as well.  The children then got into their literature groups and completed their book study for chapter ten.  They also went to french and drama classes.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, practice weekly spelling words, Language page 104 and book study chapter 10 if necessary.

Important information:  The math re-test was completed at lunch today.  The marked test will be going home with your children tonight.  Children who require another retest will be writing it tomorrow at recess, as I want to make sure they are all completed before we all leave for holidays.

Friday is our St. Patrick's spirit day at St. Jude's.  Please send your child to school wearing green so they can win points for their house!

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Good afternoon!

We started off the day today by having our school-wide pancake eating contest.  All the students seemed to have a really great time, which was a lot of fun to watch!  When we returned to class we worked on language.  The children created stories, worked with write/right, and created sentences.  In math we continued on with our new data management unit.  The children practiced tallying, surveying and creating bar graphs.  We also had a period today that discussed and celebrated diversity.  We read a story about a girl starting a new school who was told that she was 'different' from the other students because of her interests, looks, and clothing.  The girl eventually realized that it was better to respect your own differences, as well as the differences that other people have.  After we read the story the children wrote letters to the girl expressing their thoughts on how diversity is a positive thing.  Ask your child tonight to tell you what diversity is and how it is a good thing!  The children also went to music, french and P.E classes.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes, practice weekly spelling words, and math page 123.

Important information:  The final math re-test will take place tomorrow at lunch recess for those children who need one. 

This Friday is the St. Patrick's Day spirit day at St. Jude's.  Please send your children in green clothing so that they can earn house points for their houses.

This Friday is the beginning of March break.  After the completion of school on Friday, children will not come back to school until the 21st of March.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Monday, February 28, 2011

Good afternoon!

We started off the day today by working in our spelling books and copying down the new weekly spelling words.  In language the children worked on learn/teach, may/can and created sentences.  During math the children began a new unit on data management and probability.  We used counters in class- sorted them and turned the information into graphs.  The children also worked with counting by twos, money, and adding triple digit numbers.  In class today we also read chapter nine of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and the children did their summaries of the chapter in their literature groups.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes, practice weekly spelling words, Language page 100 - 101, math page 120 - 121, and book study chapter nine.

Important information:  Tomorrow is our pancake eating contest at St. Jude's so make sure your children come to school with their appetites!

Friday is St. Patrick's Spirit Day at St. Jude's.  All children are asked to come to school in green themed casual clothes for house points.

The math re-tests were completed at lunch recess today.  Marked tests will be going home with your child tonight.

The next math re-test for those that need it will be this Wednesday at lunch recess.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Grade One           Grade Two

1. small              1. farm
2. last                2. corn
3. spot               3. hard
4. slow              4. park
5. snow             5. part
6. spoon            6. horse
7. slide              7. more
8. star                8. far
9. start               9. floor
10. slick            10. warm