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Friday, November 4, 2011

Good afternoon! 
We had a great day today in grade 1/2.  We started off the day today with our weekly spelling test.  The marked spelling tests will be coming home with the students tonight.  After spelling the children worked on phonics where they practiced rhyming words, vowels and special sounds.  In our IB unit of inquiry today we reviewed what we learned about migration, hibernation and adaption yesterday and gave examples of each.  We read a story of a busy, little squirrel who was getting ready to hibernate, which was a fun way to see it in action, and students also watched a PowerPoint presentation to visually see each method of preparing for winter.  Using a Bill Nye video the children also further extended their knowledge about the earth's seasons and wrote a reflection on it.  They also went to french and drama today.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, re-write incorrect spelling words ten times each, and Letters and Sounds page 40 - 41.

Important information:  Second Cup coffee order forms have gone home with each child.  The coffee is a great gift idea for the holiday season.  A portion of the proceeds goes towards SJA's IB certification.

I am requesting the all parents check their child's gym sweaters to see if they have accidentally brought home Emerald's sweater.  It will be labeled with her name.  Please send it back to school if this is the case.

Please make sure to regularly check the music, french and drama blogs as well, as they often have important information regarding your children.

The school pictures are coming home with your child tonight.  If you would like to order any photos the order form and money must be sent back to school no later than Friday, November 18th.  Picture re-take day is taking place on  November 15th for those children that require one.

Have a great weekend,

Mrs. Nelson

Thursday, November 3, 2011

We had a great day today in the grade 1/2 classroom.  We started off the day today working on proofreading.  The students were asked to proofread sentences and correct them for house points.  They have a lot of fun with this activity and I can see some great improvement with proofreading skills.  During language we worked on picture words, special sounds, rhyming words and vowels sounds.  They also practiced their cursive.  In our IB unit of inquiry today we continued on with the changes that living things face in each season.  We reviewed what we learned yesterday about the basic needs of humans and animals (water, food and shelter) and then today we continued on by discussing how humans and animals react to cold seasons.  The children learned three new words 1. hibernation 2. migration 3. adaptation and then we role played examples of animals doing each of these three things to get ready for the winter.  During math the students worked on addition (grade one) and balancing (grade two).  They also went to french class.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, practice weekly spelling words for tomorrow's test, Letters and Sounds page 38 - 39 and cursive page 30 - 31.

Important information:  Scholastic book order forms went home last night.  If you are interested in purchasing anything please send in the completed form with a cheque by tomorrow.

Coffee order forms have been sent home.  Please keep your eye out for these forms.  These act as great gift ideas and a portion of the proceeds go towards SJA's IB certification.

The October reading charts can now be kept at home in your records as the students are now working on their November reading chart.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

We started off the day today working in the computer lab.  The children played computer games to begin developing their keyboard skills.  If you would like to have your child practice the game at home we were playing the bubble popping game found at We then moved on to language where the children practiced special sounds, rhyming words and finishing sentences.  During our IB unit of inquiry we began our new line of inquiry 'the impact of seasonal changes on living things'.  Today we discussed how the seasons changes from summer to autumn, and the environmental changes that we witness as a result of the changing seasons.  Some things we discussed today were leaves changing colours on trees, migrating birds and butterflies, and thunderstorms.  We also did a group activity where the students worked together to explore how the three basic needs of humans and animals (water, food and shelter) change with each season.  During math the children worked on addition (grade one) and subtraction (grade two).  They also went to P.E and french class.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, practice weekly spelling words, Letters and Sounds page 36 - 37  and math pages 64 - 65 (grade one) and 63 - 64 (grade two).

Important information:  I have sent home a new monthly reading chart for the month of November.  The students have tallied up their October reading chart and were awarded house points if they met their monthly goal.  You may keep the October reading chart at home now for your records.

Scholastic book order forms are coming home with your child tonight.  These are due back Friday, November 4th with a cheque if you are interested in purchasing anything.

Please keep an eye out for the coffee order forms in the home folders.  These went home last week.  They are a great way to do fundraising and a sought after  Christmas gift!

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

We started off the day today working on sentence writing.  The children were asked to choose 5 of their weekly spelling words and turn them into sentences.  After sentence writing the children worked on phonics where they practiced with rhyming words, compound words, blends and vowel sounds, and they also did their cursive practice.  During math today the students continued working on their addition and subtraction skills.  We also completed our first line of inquiry (climate and weather patterns) today by having a class quiz.  The children will be bringing home their graded quizzes with them tonight.  They also went to music and french class.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, practice weekly spelling words, complete Bell Work if necessary, Letters and Sounds pages 34 - 35 and cursive pages 28 - 29.

Important information:  Please remember to help your child bring their home folders, spelling books, homework and agendas back and forth with them every day.  We use these items each day, and not having them in the classroom makes it difficult to complete their tasks. 

Please remember to check the drama, french and music blogs for important information about your child.  These blogs get updated frequently with information that relates to our class.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Monday, October 31, 2011

We had a really great day today at SJA!  We started off the day today having a Halloween Spirit Day with the whole school where house teams competed in balloon volleyball.  The students had a lot of fun with this activity.  The children then came back to class and copied down their new weekly spelling words and worked in their spelling books.  During math today we worked on addition and subtraction skills.  We then had our class party!  The children played games, watched Halloween cartoons and did Halloween colouring.  We had a very wild and fun afternoon during the party!  In the later part of the day the children burned off some energy in P.E and went to french.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, practice weekly spelling words, and complete spelling workbook if necessary.

Important information:  Please make sure you are helping your child to remember their agenda, spelling book and home folders each and everyday.  We use these items most days (if not every day) and it is important that your child come to school with all three items to be prepared for success.

Please make sure you are checking the french, drama and music blogs as well a few times a week.  The specialist teachers also post important information on their blogs that is relevant to your child.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Grade One                 Grade Two

1. jar                          1. save
2. fan                         2. lake
3. fun                         3. face
4. bag                        4. same
5. jog                         5. gate
6. pig                         6. rake
7. dig                         7. tape
8. sun                         8. sail
9. leg                          9. paint
10. beg                      10. afraid

Halloween 2011

Halloween 2011