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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Good afternoon!

In today's class we started off the day by working on language  The children were asked to practice their proofreading, they completed sentences, identified compound words, and worked with special sounds.  In math we worked on counting money (grade one) and using calendars and thermometers (grade two).  We also played a money counting game where the children had to race to count out different amounts of real life coins.  Julia was our class champion today!  In social studies the students began their research on the different cultures they are studying.  Various facts were given to each student about their culture and they were required to record them on their rough copy.  Children who did not finish their note taking are bringing it home for homework tonight.  The children also went to french and drama classes.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, practice weekly spelling words, math pages 65 - 66 (grade two), finish culture rough copy.

Important information:  Please make sure that the students are not doing additional research (online or in books) on their culture project.  They do not have to have the entire sheet filled out.  They only have to have the facts on their small sheet they were given today transferred onto their rough copy into the appropriate areas.  Computer research will be done in school in the days to come.
The rubrics for the culture project have been sent home with your child tonight.  We went over the rubric and expectations in class today, so all children have now been given the opportunity to get very high marks on this project!
In preperation for the oral presentations that are a part of the social studies project, I am going to begin show-and-tell times in class.  I hope these mini presentations will give students the opportunity to become comfortable presenting in front of the class, and will give them practice organizing an interesting and exciting presentation.  Presentations will begin this Friday.  I have a schedule attached at the end of this post.  Please feel free to help your child prepare for their show-and-tell presentation at home, as these presentations will be going towards their overall oral presentation progress.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Show-and-Tell Schedule for January 7th, 2011

1. Julia  2.  Jaymes  3.  Victoria   4. Temi  5. Jessica   6. Nathan

Show-and-Tell Schedule for January 14th, 2011

1. Jewel   2.  Abel  3. Shannon  4. Alex   5. Klara

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