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Monday, February 7, 2011

Good afternoon!

In today's class we started off the day by recording the new weekly spelling words.  The children then spent some time practicing their words in their spelling books.  In language the children worked on special sounds, past and presence tense, rhyming, and opposites.  In math we worked on subtraction.  The grade ones practiced subtraction sentences, where the grade twos worked on subtraction word problems.  In history we read about the history of Buddhism.  The children heard about the caste system of ancient India and how Buddha came to be.  The children also went to french and art class.

Homework:  Read for 15 minutes and record in the reading chart, practice weekly spelling words, practice poetry, practice Valentine's Day play lines, Letters and Sounds pages 71 - 72, and finish colouring the picture of The Buddha if necessary.

Important information:  Please see Mrs. Deras' blog about information about the upcoming Valentine's day play.  All children need to have their parts down pat.  We are having a practice period tomorrow with Mrs. Deras, and whoever comes to school with their part memorized will earn themselves 5,000 house points!

I hope that all families are coming to the Gala this Saturday night, as it is going to be a great time.  If you and your child will unfortunately not be attending, please let me know via a note in their agenda by tomorrow so I can pass that information on to Mrs. Deras. As of now, all children have a part in the play for that evening and will need to be in attendance.

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

Grade One                    Grade Two

1. brown                         1. what
2. green                           2. such
3. trap                             3. where
4. from                            4. peach
5. drink                           5. much
6. broke                          6. when
7. grow                           7. whip
8. train                             8. arch
9. crow                            9. coach
10. cry                            10. who

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