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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Happy Tuesday!

Today we started the day off with an exciting pancake eating contest and some fun school wide activities in the gym. After the spirit day games we headed back to the room to write down our spelling for the week. This week our spelling words end with a consonant and require doubling of that consonant before adding the ending.  Later on we also continued work on our novel study. During the novel study we had a chance to work on the next chapter which we read together as a class followed by a comprehension activity. The activity required students to respond to topics explored in the chapter including seasonal changes and main activities the characters did in that chapter.

Later on we continued to work on our summative. We have one more day (tomorrow) to work hard on our summatives. On Friday we will all present the projects to the class. I cannot wait to see what the students will present! Please remember, all work is to be completed at school, students have been working hard collecting research, preparing Bristol boards and presentations. Students are welcome to practice their presentations at home but all Bristol boards are to stay on campus. 

In mathematics we continued to study and prepare for the math test which will be held on March 7, 2014. Unit 7 was a shorter unit and gave students a chance to explore motion geometry. In this unit we spent time looking into sliding, turning and reflecting objects on a grid. As well as exploring lines of symmetry within varying shapes and objects. Please continue to work on exploring these concepts at home with your children.

Students also went to PE, and French classes. 

Homework: Read for 20 minutes and record in the reading log and Math review for test (which will be on March 7th), spelling pages 102-103, practice for your inquiry presentation (held on Friday) and Pioneer day this Thursday!

Important Information: 

It is Spirit Week! Here is the breakdown of events:

March 5: Backwards Day
March 6: House Colours Day
March 7: St. Patrick's Day

St. Jude's Academy has recently acquired ownership of The Maples Academy. A letter about this has gone home in your child's backpack. The grade three class will be staying at school to have pioneer day and will not attend the trip to The Maples Academy on March 6th.

Math test for unit 7 test Friday, March 7th, 2014.

Pioneer Day will be Thursday March 6th, 2014. A letter went home this past Thursday about the day held at SJA. All students are asked to dress in 'pioneer style' clothing and bring a lunch that would have been enjoyed during pioneer times (the clothing shouldn't have zippers or bright prints and the lunches should be wrapped in wax paper or a tea towel). 

Registration has now been opened up to the public.  If you have not yet returned your re-registration package for next year please do that quickly so that your child doesn't miss a spot!

St. Jude’s is starting their very first Soccer Club. Try outs are the third week of March. The team will be made up of students 10 and under.

Hot lunch order forms for April are due Mach 7th.

March Break runs from March 10th - 21st.

We are excited to announce the commencement of our recorder program as part of the SJA Arts Curriculum for grades 1 through 6. Recorders will be used as a means to explore, practice and showcase the musicality of the students at St. Jude’s.  The recorder program will begin in Term 3, and will be a large part of the Term 3 Art assessments.
Students may choose to bring in their own recorders from home if they are already in possession of the instrument in the soprano range. Families also have the option of buying a recorder directly from St. Jude’s for $10.00.  These recorders will become the possession of the student to be used throughout Term 3 and will be taken home with them to keep at the end of the program.

We look forward to the enjoyment and education that is sure to follow this exciting musical program!

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson and Ms. Barber

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