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Monday, January 27, 2014

Good afternoon!

I hope everyone had a great long weekend!

In today's class the students started off the day with spelling.  The students copied down their new weekly words and worked on reinforcing them in their Spelling Workbooks.  This week's words focus on words where an 'r' is paired next to a vowel.  The students also worked in their journals today and reflected on the events from their long weekends.  I had a chance to read about a nice variety of events from tobogganing, to shopping trips, to ski trips.  It sounds like the students had a lot of fun!  Lastly in language today the students had a chance to finish the comprehension section in their novel studies from the third chapter of "Little House in the Big Woods' which we read last week.

During the Unit of Inquiry time today we began our new unit all about pioneers!  The students were very excited to hear about the next topic we will begin inquiring about.  In today's class the students worked together in a class brainstorm to come up with all the facts we currently know about pioneers, and to make a list of the things we hope to discover within this unit.  It is going to be a lot of fun when we get to see at the end of the unit whether our wishes for the unit came true!  As a class today the students also read a book about the first settlers to North America.  We discussed where they came from, and what made them want to take the voyage to North America.  Ask your child tonight what they learned today!

During mathematics today the students continued with their measurement unit.  In today's class the students focused on telling time.  As a class we explored two different ways of telling time.  The students saw that if the time is 1:45, it is possible to list the time as 45 minutes after 1:00 and/or 15 minutes until 2:00.  This was a concept they practised in their math textbooks and their math workbooks.

Students also went to PE  and French classes.

Homework: Read for 2o minutes and record in the reading log, practice weekly spelling words, Spelling Workbook pages 81 - 84 and Math pages 114 - 115.
Important information:  On Wednesday January 29th, Miss DaCosta’s grade two’s will be selling Rainbow Loom rings and bracelets for World Vision. Their goal is to raise money to provide school supplies and books for students in other who need them. Rings are 50¢ and bracelets range from $1.00-$2.00 (depending on the type of bracelet). Thank you in advance for your support in helping them raise money for charity!

This Wednesday is the next casual day at SJA.

Every student brought home a field trip form with them last week.  Our class is going to be taking a trip to Black Creek Pioneer Village on February 11th!  This trip will correspond with our new unit which focuses on the life of pioneers.  The cost of the trip is $26 and is due back with the permission form by Monday, February 3rd.  The SJA bus will be leaving the school at 9:15am and will return in time for regular afternoon dismissal.  Students are asked to come to school wearing their gym clothes, and appropriate outdoor gear to be able to spend the majority of the field trip day outside.  

St. Jude's Academy's Annual Gala Dinner is approaching and it is sure to be an evening of fun and entertainment for friends and families alike!  Mark your calenders for this event which takes place on February 22nd at 6:00pm at the Sagan Banquet Hall.  The theme for this year's Gala is 'Legends of the World' which will be reflected in the buffet diner, and the short musical performance by St. Jude's students.  A silent action, raffle tickets and a 50/50 draw will also help add to the excitement of the night. Tickets for the event are $65 for adults and $10 for children.  Ticket prices for adults go up to $75 on January 14th so buy your tickets soon!
For more information about the Gala Dinner please contact Presy Malan at  To donate items for the silent auction please contact Charmaine Tavares at  or Sudan Cashin at

Best regards,

Mrs. Nelson

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